This is the title of a Coursera MOOC just started this week. So far it has been a busy week of orientation. As always in this sort of course, the diverse international cohort is more than fascinating.
Learning online and course facilitation is a huge interest of mine (see for instance this interview from last year).
The first week's videos - of the course professor (Clare) interviewing Professor Fiona Rodger - set the tone for the course as a whole. In addition, their comments related to formal (or traditional) and informal e-learning hits on a favourite topic of mine.
This week's readings took me back to a highly interactive website covering a host of learning related topics (behaviourism, Bloom's taxonomy, Piaget, and more), as well as an article that almost seems to extend from (or perhaps lead into?) the interview mentioned above.
Technology itself is always a challenge in online courses - for instance taking part and/or coordinating a Hangout is needed this week. While it was easy enough to view the Hangout recorded by the TAs, I have yet to manage to connect with others in this course and create something new.
Overall, this course is highly meta: thinking about learning while engaged in learning.