Adventure Game. An adventure game is an interactive story about a protagonist character who is played by the player. Storytelling and exploration are essential elements of the game. Puzzle solving and conceptual challenges make up the majority of the gameplay. (Adams, 2012, p. 547)  The genre adventure game, typically narrative rich as the “emphasis is placed on experiencing a story as seen by one or more user-controlled characters” (Moby Games, 2012)
Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence (AI) both is and is not the stuff of science fiction. Broadly speaking it represents cognitive ability – or the appearance thereof – in machines.AI is “a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behaviour in computers: the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behaviour” (Merriam-Webster). Computer programs use probability to determine answers or responses to human questions or interactions (more “layperson” details needed here plus citation). Even a bank machine involves a level of AI – the program offers the user graphical prompts based on the user’s choices.

Cognitive Tutor. An intelligent computer program able to develop a cognitive model to provide prompts, problems, and even individualized instruction for learners.

Crowdsourcing. An online equivalent of outsourcing, however often to much larger and more widely distributed groups.

Gamer. A term used to identified with either playing or learning (or both) about video games.
Gamification. A game design element used in a non-game context (Deterding et al, 2011). 
Video Game Narrative/Storytelling. The core mechanics (the programming) and storytelling components combined produce the interactive elements experienced by a gamer (Adams, 2010, p. 166)

Video Game. Generally speaking, video games are electronic games with screens. The four most common platforms are PlayStation, Wii, Xbox, and Nintendo. Video games can also run on personal computers. Most of these systems run both on consoles as well as have handheld versions. Often, video games can be played across a number of platforms, as well as on the Internet. Regardless of the platform, both the interfaces and the traits of the gamers learn while playing the game are similar.

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