Tuesday, 17 July 2012


In-class inquiry: so did the people in the Renaissance know they were in the Renaissance?

I suspect the era was named after the fact. If so, what will the generations that follow us call this era? The Internet Renaissance? The Time of the Great Confusion? Bob (after my squirrel)?

Equally interesting might be alignments that might be made between the Renaissance Era. Can we equate Cervante's concern with silent reading to our own frustration with students in their own silent world: wearing earbuds and texting/listening to tunes in class (how dare they be engaged in something else!). And if what we live now is a sort of 21st Century Renaissance, what might we learn from the previous iteration to inform our own?

Interesting and somewhat related site: University of Calgary's Instituto Cervantes.

1 comment:

  1. Kathlyn, I was wondering whether you were familiar with Janet Murray's work. Dr. Murray wrote Hamlet on the Holodeck. http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/~murray/ While the text is fairly old (in digital terms) it is very relevant.
